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A Closer Look: The Fashion Transparency Index [Melihat Lebih Dekat: Fesyen Transparansi Indeks]

The Fashion Transparency Index by Fashion Revolution evaluates major fashion brands and retailers each year, ranking them based on their public disclosures regarding policies, practices, and impacts related to human rights and the environment. This assessment covers their operations and supply chains. The primary targets are the largest and most profitable companies due to their significant negative impacts on workers and the environment, making their transformation of high importance. Transparency is a fundamental starting point that is necessary and serves as the foundation for systemic change in the global fashion industry. Transparency is not to be mistaken for sustainability. However, without transparency, the goal of achieving a sustainable, responsible, and fair fashion industry remains unattainable. Indeks Transparansi Fesyen oleh Fashion Revolution   mengevaluasi merek dan pengecer busana besar setiap tahun, meranking mereka berdasarkan pengungkapan publik mereka mengenai keb

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